To support its organizing in lower-income communities to challenge the excessive use of power by public authorities, particularly police misconduct, and to promote electoral participation, despite new voting restrictions in the state.
AFRICAN COMMUNITIES TOGETHER $10,000, New York, NYTo support its organizing among more recent immigrants from Africa, empowering them to integrate socially, get ahead economically, and engage civically.
ALABAMA COALITION FOR IMMIGRANT JUSTICE $10,000, Birmingham, ALTo support the organizing of this statewide effort to advance just policies, encourage grassroots leadership and participation, build alliances, and amplify the voices of immigrants in Alabama.
BRANDWORKERS INTERNATIONAL $10,000, New York, NYTo support its organizing, advocacy and legal action with low-income retail and food employees, focusing on immigrant food processing and distribution workers, and seeking to create a sustainable food system in New York.
IMMIGRANT WORKER CENTER COLLABORATIVE $10,000, Boston, MATo support its work as a network for immigrant worker centers, a force for building cross-ethnic solidarity and a grass roots-based immigrant worker rights movement, and a strategy space to develop collective campaigns for greater impact.
MIGRANT JUSTICE $10,000, Burlington, VTTo support its organizing farmworkers with allies across issues (worker/human rights; immigrant rights; food justice) and constituencies (including farmers, working class white Vermonters, and communities of color).
NATIONAL DOMESTIC WORKERS ALLIANCE: ATLANTA CHAPTER $10,000, Atlanta, GATo support the organizing of this new and developing chapter among domestic workers in Georgia which is initially focusing on the expansion of Medicaid in the state.
NEW LABOR $10,000, New Brunswick, NJTo support its organizing among temp workers to challenge unscrupulous practices of employers, particularly wage theft, and to promote public policies and practices that protect workers, especially in issues related to health and safety.
TUNICA TEENS IN ACTION $10,000, Tunica, MSTo support its issue organizing in the rural, mid-south Mississippi Delta, particularly around education, and its organizing of residents in civic engagement opportunities, including political and electoral participation.
WAREHOUSE WORKERS FOR JUSTICE $10,000, Chicago, ILTo support its organizing among warehouse workers in order to transform the distribution industry from poverty temp jobs to ones that provide living wage jobs with dignity.
WISDOM $10,000, Milwaukee, WITo support its organizing to build public awareness about the state of mass incarceration in Wisconsin and to build support for public investment in evidence-based alternatives to incarceration.
WORKERS DIGNITY PROJECT $10,000, Nashville, TNTo support its organizing, focused on wage theft and workplace abuse, among workers in hospitality, construction, cleaning, landscaping and food service.
WORKERS RIGHTS CENTER $10,000, Madison, WITo support its worker organizing, particularly among the undocumented, on such issues as wage theft and the minimum wage.